Shoot at Minbal Sound Studios.

I received a call from Benjamin Balcom over at Minbal Sound Studios. Benjamin is a talented musician, sound engineer, music producer and Minbal Studios is his baby. He wanted me to take some interior shots of the main recording room,the isolation booth and the control room. Benjamin really wanted to convey a sense of mood in his studio,often bands will come into record and the studio will be lit with low wattage flood bulbs with an amber gel. So we decided to light the studio in the same way using a lot of tungsten lighting mixed with a little strobe and theater gels. There is a great collection of vintage instruments with a state of the art control room, with pieces of vintage recording gear tucked away here and there. I really had a terrific time working with Benjamin, he knows exactly what he wants and really looks at every possible situation with a keen eye. I am very excited to see the website for Minbal Studios featuring my images it should be up in a couple of weeks so I will keep my eyes open for it and put it on the blog once it becomes live!

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