The Printed Blog Cover Shots

I recently was introduced to website that a friend had sent me. We had been talking about blogging and the benefits and pitfalls of it. He sent me a link so I checked it out. I thought it was a cool idea, taking the information from a blog and making it a tangible item in the form of a newspaper or magazine. I ended up getting in contact with the photo editor and they happen to be looking for images.
I gladly sent them about 5 images in all. I thought, hey this is a cool idea and it's free exposure, not bad if they chose your images. About a week later I went to their website and was very happy to see they had picked three of my images for the Chicago, New York and Los Angles cover shots for issue #8. This is the current issue and they should be at new stands and downloadable as PDF's on their website, www.theprintedblog.com


Shooting Stills for Polish Bar

As I was sitting in bed one night icing my ankle from a skateboard injury I got a call from none other than Ben Redgrave. Ben is a good friend who use to live in Chicago then moved to
LA to pursue his film writing and directing career. Ben Redgrave teamed up with Ben Berkowitz some time ago in Chicago and they have made some really great films together. As it turns out Hollywood has become interested in their scripts so they are back in Chicago filming their latest feature film Polish Bar. Check out their website www.benzfilm.com . Ben called me up and asked if I would like to shoot stills for Polish Bar and I was more than happy to do so. I took this image in between shots as the crew was changing location, one of the actors was on his cell phone. It was morning sun so I knew this would be a perfect silhouette shot and the added flare from the sun running across the word America is nice. You can read more about Polish bar in The Chicago Reader @ http://www.chicagoreader.com/features/stories/ourtown/090319/